41 Year Old
From Mt Washington, KY·
Joined on August 1, 2012
Born on May 16th
I am a lot of things. I can be witty, mean, narcissistic, kind, gentle, sarcastic, affectionate, stupid, romantic, and a whole range of other colorful adjectives. We all have our moments where we exhibit our less than desirable traits, it is unavoidable. It's when those are the only traits you display that it becomes a problem. I'm not perfect, no-one is, no-one should be. I strive only to be the best that I can be, and I might stumble at times but as long as I am facing the right direction its okay.
I like intelligent conversation but I don't like to talk very much, which I guess you could say makes me a pretty good listener. I like hearing what other people have to say, or is it that I don't really care for silence? I think it's a little of both. There is a simple comfort in the sound of another's voice who is genuinely happy just to be talking to you.
Confidence, that's another big one and please don't mistake it for being cocky or conceited. What do I mean? I am a big guy and yes I am working on it, but not for you. I am completely comfortable with myself as I am now, I know who I am and am perfectly okay with that. I go to the gym and try to maintain a healthy diet for my health and my energy level, I've got an active little girl to keep up with and she needs daddy around for as long as possible. So what makes that relevant to you? Like I said before, confidence is key. Everyone has their insecurities that only they can overcome, I am very understanding of that but I am also in control of who I let myself be around and honestly, I have no desire to be around people who are constantly down on themselves. That doesn't mean I want to be around people who are full of themselves, but there has to be a middle ground. You have any idea how much of a drag it is to tell someone that are beautiful and always be met with, "Whatever."Â ?
So that is me in a nutshell: confident, intelligent, and know where I am going in life. I could keep writing I am sure but I'll save your eyes the strain. I always find it funny how people write in these things "OMG, I totally dunno what to say about myself!" Why is that? I mean, its about YOU, who knows you better than yourself? No, the real answer is that you don't want to write anything about yourself because you're afraid of what others might think. If we put more into what we want and think and feel instead of worrying about others, we might find more lasting relationships with those who love and accept you unconditionally for who you are, not who they want you to be.
41 Year Old
From Mt Washington, KY·
Joined on August 1, 2012
Born on May 16th
I enjoy video games, of the roleplaying kind, though less frequently of late.
I also like Football on Sundays, but you won't find me tracking stats or watching it religiously.
I like going out, to a degree, but I'm not the kind of guy who can go out every night.
I like watching scary movies in the dark and sleeping with the TV on.
I like going for drives with no destination in mind.
I like a lot of things really, and I am not afraid to say when I don't like something.