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Male · Joined on April 1, 2007 · Born on January 1st
Male · Joined on April 1, 2007 · Born on January 1st

they call me Cheryl. how'dyou do?[pleased]tomeetyoutoo.


i love my hair and my eyes!
i can b shallow
i like guys with nice hair its teh first thing i look at
second thing i look for is a nice smile and eyes
im open 2 talk 2 all types of ppl
i dye my hair ALOT
im pretty random
i love all types of music
i break out in random dance moves
Oreos make me EXTRA happy
Pizza with EXTRA cheese PLZ
im a ditz
i have more sleepy pants then jeans
I like 2 prove myself
i hate anyone synthetic
i love 2 laugh
Sunshine is my nickname (=_=)
i love animals
im going 2 school for Psychology
I go OCD with eyeliner

OH YEAH im a BAND GEEK get over it!

i am a very outgoing out spoken caring kind of person at least i like 2 think so, but i can b a real bitch if i have 2 so treat me with respect and i will do teh same and i nver judge a book by its cover. so if u want me 2 b nice 2 u i expect the same back... i can b ur best friend or ur worst enemy ur choice so buck up and deal...

i am a very open person
im not shy
if i dont liek u i dont like u but that doesnt mean we cant still b friends
my typing sux and i dont care
i dont care what anyone thinks about me
if u want 2 know anything dont b afraid 2 ask me.

i'm a lover, not a fighter. so i'm sorry , i've been brought up to use my brains and not my fists.

i want to play nice with you. no if's, &s or buts. so let's cut the smalltalk & start a fucking [[revolution]].

don't expect us to get along if you like to get tangled up in drama boo-shit. i won't sweat over dumb bitches. so don't waste your time. you're still the jackass in the end.

however, if you can't help but talk some shit; do me the favor, and at least be creative about it. unoriginality is disgusting.

b/c you've got to be able to help yourself before you can help another, you dig?

i won't take it to heart much, but see[it's like], who the fuck ARE YOU anyway? do i even know you? could i point you out in a crowd? [maybe] smack the scowling lips off your green [w/ENVY] face?

one thing i'm NOT- is a liar. if anything, people might dislike me for being brutally honest. i'm not too sorry for it. the truth can be ugly. i'm just realistic & i don't liketo sugarcoat things.

one thing i AM- is loyal. i will stick by my real friends no matter what. Casey & Amber are my first mates. i'd walk the goddamn plank for them anyday.

"are we friends? does she like me?" if you have to ask yourself that, then we're probably not and i probablly don't. if you're my friend you'll know it. and if you just think we are, don't sweat, b/c at one point in time, i'll probably proove you wrong. "it's just something that happens as you grow up. you realize it's less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones."

Amber is my best friend ever.
she & i KNOW how to GET DOWN with the GET-DOWN.

[casey] is my homeboy & we've been through some shit.
we could tell it to you like it iS, mother[BiTCHES]. hands down & no questions asked.

[LaRs HiLl] is my eye candy, hard candy and my motherfucking poprocks. so step down yo. i'm on this. i'm greedy and i will not share with anyone.

"people who get bored have no inner resources."

now, in all honesty: i'm wrapped up in myselfthough i wouldn't call it conceited- it'd be more like, confident. =)

Ok i have just rambled on long enuff here... anything else u can just ask.

she'sFEELiNG::plastiKk [again>

fake like a barbieDOLL. so she rips off her face. and burns it.
inside she is laughing as the plastic melts away, so
all that was false, is now smearing together in a pool of
[two round baby blues, an air brushed tan and plaster-pink lips.]
inside she is laughing as the plastic melts away, so
all that was false, is now smearing together in a pool of


she feels no physical pain.
she's only plastic, you know.
it's pitifully PLASTIC.
molded to fit am image of perfection.
like a place she's a light year away from.
and all she's got is a hot pink scooter
and feet that refuse to fit into tennis shoes.

she's so fucked.

Male · Joined on April 1, 2007 · Born on January 1st

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