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35 Year Old · Male · From Maryland, NY · Joined on March 30, 2007 · Born on November 1st
35 Year Old · Male · From Maryland, NY · Joined on March 30, 2007 · Born on November 1st

Im 18 and i go to milford school where i have the greatest crew in da world. I do lots of sports such as basketball, soccer, and track. track is my favorite and im definately fast ive gone to state qualifiers in my second year of track. Im obsessed with wrestling such as WWE, TNA and ECW. Im young and very athletic i can sing and dance. Any other stuff you want to know about me im me at Kidmike95@aim.com

35 Year Old · Male · From Maryland, NY · Joined on March 30, 2007 · Born on November 1st
im a fan of hip hop and some of ym favorite artist are: YoUnG DrO BiG BoI CrImE MoB e40 Dj UnK Dj WeBsTaR YoUnG B TeRrOr SqUaD T.i. PaPoOsE RiCk RoSs MiKe JoNeS JuElZ SaNtAnA LlOyD BaNkS BiRdMaN LiL ScRaPpY YoUnG BuCk YoUnG JeEzY ChArMiLlIoNaIrE DaDdY YaNkEe P DiDdY JiM JoNeS FaT JoE SnOoP DoGg PiTbUlL 50 CeNt JiBbS LuDaCrIs Lil JoN DmX NoToRiOuS B.I.G Lil WaYnE TuM TuM Da GaMe DiDdY YoUnG DrO BuStA RhYmEs DeM FrAnChIsE BoYz ThReE SiX MaFiA some of my favorite movies are: Da RiNgEr TeXaS ChAiNsAw mAsSaCrE JaCkAsS 2 ScArFaCe A bRoNx TaLe ThE GoDfAtHeR some of my heroes are: all my teammates at Milford for track , Jay Jone the fastest guy you will ever meet and finally Eddie Guerrero may he R.I.P my favorite tv shows are: MtV StReEt BaLl PiMp Ma RiDe WiLd n OuT FlAvOr oF LoVe fReSh PrInCe kInG oF qUeEnS lOtS oF WrEsTlInG RaW EcW SmAcKdOwN TnA
Akon Dont Matter
Da RiNgEr TeXaS ChAiNsAw mAsSaCrE JaCkAsS 2 ScArFaCe A bRoNx TaLe ThE GoDfAtHeR OpEn SeAsOn BaRnYarD CaRs SaW LoTs Of HoRrOr and CoMeDy

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