this is my 2nd time with fubar.this time just here to make casual friends.I am not expecting much,no chats,I am available to chat,but last time NOBODY wanted to.I am pretty easy to get along with.From small town Canada,on the west coast-sort of.I work,so not on all the time.I will update this as much as I am able to.I have never really had personal photos,so its not easy now to post ME on my profile.BUT workin on it.
Joined on July 1, 2012
Born on November 30th
Latest Status
PeedeJay when someone actually takes time to rate me a "2",maybe time to leave Fubar again!!
Just stopping in to say hi and welcome! You'll meet some fantastic peeps, *MAYBE, EVEN GET A LAUGH OR 2* Wishing a splendid day to ya!!! *WARNING*: BE CAREFUL FEEDING THE ANIMALS HERE, SOME DO BITE BACK OR OOPS IT MITE B UR KINDA THANG LOL! Read profile pg ** 2 know me! From Your Friendly Neighborhood Fu Greeter, RedByrd.