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Joined on March 27, 2007
Born on January 1st
Ok Im 14...I live in Washington P.A...... I have no friends here...Their all in Koppel and Ellwood City....I miss all them like CRAZY...But I mostly miss my BESTEST friend Shana....And my 2 crushes C.J. and Chris....I LOVE to make people laugh...I love to hangout and have fun...I LOVE to drink.....And theres more but I really dont feel like typin anymore....So if you want to know anything send me a message....or im me at xoxKYRSTANxox
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Joined on March 27, 2007
Born on January 1st
My interests are hangin out with my friends when ever I can.... Since I moved.....But anyways hangin out with my friends and I like to meet new people......
I listen to mostly rock.......
But I like some rap......