58 Year Old
From Palm Harbor, FL·
Joined on March 25, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on November 27th
I have a crush on someone!
58 Year Old
From Palm Harbor, FL·
Joined on March 25, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on November 27th
I have a crush on someone!
58 Year Old
From Palm Harbor, FL·
Joined on March 25, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on November 27th
I have a crush on someone!
hey there .. this is Raphael.. he hubby... just wanted too know if you were going on c/t at one point..lol seems silly too have a page an you dont use it.so just thaught i/weed let ya know that we are going through our lists and deleting those who never say anything .. especialy after like 3 months.. i mean whats the opoint right ?lol..anyhow our life is coming along great .. and the move as well for this fall is on scheduall ..so anyhow have a great life in florida.. as we are going too as well.. tc..Raphael & Melissa..peace...
hi there .. just browsing through my friends/fans/n' fem...looks like you not on much .. im really busy lately moving in with my mom in her basement apt.it alot better than the the place im in now witch we will be putting on the market in a few weeks .. then my surgery.Ill be going for a visit too his house about the first week of may.then,we drive back too Michigan after i stay about 2 weeks then he will have his visit as well...then after i recover,will be getting ready and just costing till about september or october .thats when the kids an i move up permanently:P... they cant wait ..and im axious too get out of here too lol.. then wooohooo mariage!!! :P next year... anyhow i just thought id give ya heads up on what was goin on..ill see if your on from time too time .when i have time ...ill b a busy lady .. tty soon ..Melissa n' Raphael ..
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