52 Year Old
From Benton, IL·
Joined on March 23, 2007
Born on March 12th
·2 referrals joined!
Well I'm a Paramedic in Southern Illinois,and there is no better job on earth! I pretty much work all the time( damn bills! LoL) on my days off I enjoy being outdoors and just having old fashion fun. i have found that there is no better feeling than the one you get helping people, it is a true high! Please remember to pull over when you see our lights and hear our sirens. The person we are trying to help just might be a loved one.
52 Year Old
From Benton, IL·
Joined on March 23, 2007
Born on March 12th
·2 referrals joined!
Thank you I hope to talk to you soon until then keep doing what your doing taking care I have a lot of pride in what you do. I could have lost my son if it wasnt for the fast action of the paremedics. Thanks again