39 Year Old
From Denison, TX·
Joined on March 20, 2007
Born on June 27th
·1 referrals joined!
i like to just to have fun with my bf and my friends and family. i love movie and hanf with my friends and joking around with poeple. i dont have my mom anymore it been two years since she been gone. i have two sister and a brother ione of my siters is my twin. i dont live with my dad or my sisters anymore. i am going to get married this summer to my bf i am so deeply in love with. if u have a myspace u can add me the is mine www.myspace.com/babyface048
39 Year Old
From Denison, TX·
Joined on March 20, 2007
Born on June 27th
·1 referrals joined!
i like everthing. but i my favorites is RAP and R&B.
Hello there and welcome to CherryTAP...Name is Flip... Someday when you get the site figured out stop and say Hi... Everything you do on this site earns you point to reach higher levels so dont forget to rate pictures and leave comments everywhere.... Hope all is well over there and have a goodnight....:)