Hi, my REAL name is, Marcus Anthony Sarno, but you may also know me as, Marcus Anthony James, Markis A. Jackson, John Mark Hamblen, Mark D. Sarno, Mark D. Jackson, Or maybe some other form of Mark or Marcus.
My REAL date of birth is, July 8th, 1957. And I got my SSN# from New Jersey.
My gig is this, I will con you into and out of almost everything you own, or could own. I will steal your total trust, your heart, and maybe even your soul, if you let me. Anything you give me, I will turn around and sell it.
I will tell you how I am an IRONWORKER, how I helped build the Bank One Ballpark building in Phoenix, AZ. How my parents died when I was very young. How I helped put in the irrigation systems in Florida, at golf courses with my Dad, and I have people take me under their wing, namely Steve Jackson, from Washington state. And how well off he is. And I will also tell you how the major scars on my wrist, and belly are from STEEL accidents from working with iron, and the scar on my lip, as you can see in my photo, is from my Dad popping me when I was young, because he was a master in any form of martial arts.
I will tell you how I am affiliated with major hard core biker gangs, yet I belong to none.
I will tell you how I don't drive, AND how the IRONWORKER'S UNION keeps my PHOTO ID on record, so I won't lose it. And when you first meet me, more then likely, I'll be living in a motel.
I love going to casino's, and I love riding in limo's. Thats one way I trap you. I will make you join me in the fast lane of life, and get you to do things that you never even imagined doing.
I will tell you all about my friend Ray, in Reno, Nevada, that owns a bar there. And how me and a friend play a game, where we go to towns, with hardly anything on us, and see who can make the most. (Off the unsuspecting that is....)
And while doing all this, I will be getting you to max out your credit cards, empty out your life savings, and having you buy me all kinds of expensive jewlery, which I will fence, or hawk, and tell you that I'm having it cleaned. And I will constatly call an 800 number, and when you try to call it, it will sound like a seminar, or something to do with FedEx.
Then one day, I will call you, and tell you how my friend's are here, and we'll be there shortly to pick you up, and you will never see me again. Thats when the whole extent of my damage will become evident. And with each person I meet, or have met, I've changed the senario just a little bit.
Does this sound familiar? Do I look familiar? Have I ripped you off as well?
My email is marcus.sarno@yahoo.com. Contact me, and maybe together, we can get me locked up again......Oh, thats right, I forgot to mention, I've done time in Florida and Arizona for sure, and possibly other states.
Maybe we can meet uh? I'm sure you might have things I want, like your money.
Welcome to Cherry Tap!
Stop by & add me if you'd like ;)