Born again Christian, returned back to the Lord on Jan 25, 2012
Where you'll usually find me, is in front of my duo computer monitors. I do web design, SEO, graphics, and a bit of web copy writing.
My wife and I enjoy bike riding, camping, restaurants, and barbeques. Prescott Valley, AZ and Prescott, have a lot of great events, and we make our way to many of them. On occasion, we visit a few favorite bars and night clubs, and Prescott is famous for Whisky Row. But most of the time, we're here at home, and are involved in our house repair and some minor remodel. I also play guitar, have done some recording and a few performances, but none too recent.
Besides this WordPress platform web design site, I have a Blogger-hosted humor journal, and I also publish to a WordPress blog that is gaining great popularity, and displaying my expertice. You can find me on twitter, and both my wife and I are active at Facebook, with our extended families, my colleagues, and a few school-day friends. I am also active in the Prescott Valley Chamber of Commerce, and the Prescott Lions Club.
But now, since Dec 15, 2011, I am seeking out a new endever: We (I have 2 associates) are developing a magnetic perpetual motion energy generator and expect to have our first units available in July 2012.
POWER YOUR HOUSE FOR FREE!! Our company name is Fuel and Energy Savings Products. You can visit our website here: FESP
Sunday Pictures @ dazzlejuncti