Howdy,Hey, just stopped by your page...Come check out mine if you get a chance.FU-Bombers @ fubarHere is the link to the new bomber family page I started. If you want to be a part of it, check the page out, read the blog and send a freind request to the page and put a little note in the friend request letting me know you are wanting to join the family and that it is not just a random friend request.FU-Bombers @ fubar
Welcome to the tap!I hope you enjoy your time here. Here is a 10 rating to get you started. Feel free to come by and click add as a fan. If you have questions about the site, just give a hollar...someone is always here to help you out.:)
@ fubarHere is the link to the new bomber family page I started. If you want to be a part of it, check the page out, read the blog and send a freind request to the page and put a little note in the friend request letting me know you are wanting to join the family and that it is not just a random friend request.FU-Bombers
@ fubar