From Phoenix, AZ·
Joined on October 11, 2011
Born on November 30th
i am 23, single, loving bbw's and thick women in general. i am disease and drama free. i know i get checked lol. i dont really do much right now in the way of a social life. just work and sleep. so id like to re create my social life i had before. bro's are welcome of course. i need new male friends. women friends also. i had ALOT in highschool because i was super respecful and honest. still am and that will never change. so just message me. ill be checking this when i can. my body is husky build with padding on it. i am loosing weight, and working out constantly. making sure i stay looking good and better.
From Phoenix, AZ·
Joined on October 11, 2011
Born on November 30th
MUSIC!!! ROCK,PUNK,RAP,POP-PUNK, warped tour!!!!!
and stuff like that. i love driving around aimlessly and blasting music!!!
no destination is a destination....
and yeah all that jazz.
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audioscarfer thank you all so much for getting me so trashed ^_^ lol