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38 Year Old · Joined on June 22, 2006 · Born on May 30th
38 Year Old · Joined on June 22, 2006 · Born on May 30th

80 Things You Might Not Know About Me Whats your middle name?Lynn Jamie BridgetteHow big is your bed?queenWhat are you listening to right now?the dings on my yimWhat are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number?2986What was the last thing you ate?icke ckreamLast person you hugged?RamonHow is the weather right now?rainyWho was the last person you talked to on the phone?my momWhat is the first thing u notice in the opposite sex?lipsFavorite type of Food.mexicanDo you want children?i have 2Do you drink?yesEver get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?noHair color?brownEye colour?hazelDo you wear contacts/glasses?noFavorite holiday?memorial dayFavorite Season?summerHave you ever cried over a girl/boy?yesLast Movie you Watched?dont rememberWhat books are you reading?sckhoolPiercings?4 in my ears and 1 tung ring Favorite Movie?cKolorsFavorite college football Team?tech university bearsWhat were you doing before filling this out?talking to ramonAny pets?2 pink nose pitsDogs or cats?dogsFavorite Flower?black roseHave you ever loved someone?yesWho would you like to see right now?ramonHave you ever fired a gun?yesDo you like to travel by plane?yesRight-handed or Left-handed?bothIf you could go to any place right now where would you go?brazil to be with my husbandAre you missing someone?RamonDo you have a tattoo?2Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?yesAre you hiding something from someone?noARE YOU 18?olderWHAT IS THE WALLPAPER ON YOUR CELLPHONE?me duhDID YOU GET ENOUGH SLEEP LAST NIGHT?yeahFIRST THING YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THIS MORNING?maryWHAT DO YOU HAVE HANDY AT YOUR BEDSIDE?water and my foneGRILLED OR FRIED?dependsWHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE?my height and my speackhARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?not reallyFAVORITE HANGOUT?ckamp rd. new york bity3 THINGS YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT?my hubby my babies my cellFAVORITE SONG?i dont get downWHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?being hurt by ramonARE YOU A GIVER OR TAKER?bothWHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES?puma shawty 5'0 poco rojo ectWHAT IS YOUR DADS MIDDLE NAME?wayneWHATS YOUR MOTHERS MIDDLE NAME?leanneSTUCK ON A DESERTED ISLAND & COULD TAKE ONE THING?someone who knows how to get offFAVORITE T.V. COMMERCIAL?dont have oneWHO'S YOUR CELL PHONE PROVIDER?t-mobileFIRST THING YOU'LL SAVE IN A FIRE?my babiesWhats your favorite color?red and yellowWHAT ARE THE THINGS YOU ALWAYS TAKE WITH YOU?my cell my bag and a bottle of listerineWHAT DID YOU WANNA BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID?a teackher then i noticked i hate kids so a lawyerWHAT DO YOU USUALLY DO WHEN THE CLOCK TURNS 11:11?kiss ramon or ckall himTHE COLOR OF YOUR BEDSHEEt?red black and yellowWHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED?my fkamilyTake this survey | Find more surveys

38 Year Old · Joined on June 22, 2006 · Born on May 30th
Pussycat Dolls LyricsPussycat Dolls Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCure.com
POEMS CKONFUSED SEXUALITY i know this sweet gurl she's reallii quite ckute but the onli problem i have is i onlii date dudes. i ckould spend all my time and make her my main babii but the fackt still remains that she's still a lady...what am i do? am i lost or ckonfused? i dont know who to choose...this new gurl or my boo...bisexual im not if i was you would know...so ckutie new gurl which waii should i go MONEY MAKIN HOE juices runnin -bodies rubbin- ckome on boi- put it on me...touch me softly...kinda tease me-- but dont bite too hard...that shits not pleasing...sckratch my back pull my hair...grind me onlii-- i hate to share. sex is best on the floor in the chair or against the door...if i want i wanted love i'd pray it tru...but all i want to do if fuck you...keep it hott...make it sweaty...breathe real hard...sckrew me babii...make me ckum...nice and loud...never in private i want a ckrowed...lick me sweetly...make me squeal...make me happy...this shits the kill...here we go...one more round...fuck me fast...on the ground...open wide...i'll give you head...but please dont leak...on my bed...our time is thru...we've had our fun...give me my money bitch...i gotta run. ALL ABOUT DA SHIZZ Shizz da Mayne she writes real smooth she loves the ladies but fucks da dudes...she writes her musick and sells her whores...she makes her profit and so muckh more...dicks the thing she hates to love...but keeps it proteckted juss like a glove... spitters are quitters that muckh is tru...i love some warm...ooh...childrens eyes...virgin ears...either that...or a bunch of queers...dont get me wrong...i love the gays...the way they talk...the games they play. i'm almost thru i'm having fun...this plane rides a bitch...and i need some...i hate the height...my ears are hott...i need to get off soon...and smoke some pot...thats right i said it...i need to get high...or get sckrewed...thats no lie...im going to sleep...or juss rest...beckause im gonna have to sckrew my best...going to spain wish me well...and if you dont GO TO HELL cKAPTAIN AMERICA i work for him--but you voted him in--yes again--thats the man with the dumbass grin--he's your man--sending me to Afghanistan--in this hot ass weather--like we're gonna win--dont get me wrong--im all for--United we Stand--divided we fall--and the whole band stand--but once again--let me sai it-- half Mexican--and dont forget--thats right--you evickted my friends--not onlii that--i was born in the U.K. mayne--that's right--Londayne--i'm English babii--your freedom is mine-- proteckt you babii?--like hell thats fine--he's cKaptain America--the president--and how's your rent--and the gas you spent--like hell i'm paying--my gas is free--and so if ya'll reallii kno--juss holla at me.

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