Joined on June 22, 2006
Born on November 30th
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My real name is Logan. I am a crazy, sexy, cool chyk from the westside of Baltimore, Maryland, aka Bodymore Murdaland. But right now I live in South Florence. I'm a junior in highschool. When I graduate, I wanna move back 2 Baltimore and go 2 college 2 get my masters and become a psychiatrits, yea ya girl got big dreams. I am a very cool person to chill w/. I am a very nice person, but dont get it twisted, i can turn into a real Bitch if u piss me off and I dont take no shit off nobody. I kno I got a bad ass temper and attitude problem. But if u wanna kno more about me, just hit me up w/ a message or something and i will get back @ u.
Joined on June 22, 2006
Born on November 30th
·1 referrals joined!
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