39 Year Old
From Oakland, CA·
Invited by: Ribsys Nickel·
Joined on September 7, 2011
Born on May 8th
Please help my band make 10k this month in the battle of the bands
39 Year Old
From Oakland, CA·
Invited by: Ribsys Nickel·
Joined on September 7, 2011
Born on May 8th
Latest Status
Greg Hoffman http://www.fubar.com/dropapollo ...Please give us your love and votes if you enjoy the tunes! And you can vote for us every day:-) Also, if you're a fan of the music, please visit our facebook page and "like" us there: http://www.facebook.com/dropapollo ..
Drop Apollo is going for it again this month in the battle of the bands! We got beat up pretty badly in the last finals, but we're confident we can pull through this time aroundhttp://www.fubar.com/dropapollo"Fan" us if you like what you hear and please continuously vote for our songs...
Drop Apollo made the final 4...our battle will start tonight at midnight (if you're up) and go ALL DAY Thursday...AHHHH! We'll need all the support we can get if we're gonna make it to the finals on Friday! Please show us some love when our battle starts
PLEASE support local music and check out Drop Apollo @ http://fubar.com/dropapollo ..."Fan" them if you like the tunes and please vote for their songs...they won the first round of battle of the bands, they need your votes to make the finals!