32 Year Old
Joined on September 3, 2011
Born on September 9th
4 different people have a crush on me!
Well i'm funny and smart.I like meeting new people.I''m kinda sensitive.I'm caring.I'm trustworthy and I think I have to much trust in other people, seem to get screwed over a lot but i know my family is always here for me..well most anyways.I'v learned so much from my mistakes and I'm always working to be a better person.No I'm not perfect I don't think anyone is.I'm proud of who I am and I hope I always stay the same happy girl.I believe everyone is good but its there choice weather they want to show it.I really HATE when people lie..yes I have lied before I think everyone has but why lie cause then no one will believe you. I think relationships are built with trust well good ones anyways.i bet you think I sound all in innocent but i have made some bad choices that i shouldn't have and most i learned from.But thats a little about me anything else ya wanna know hit me up=]
32 Year Old
Joined on September 3, 2011
Born on September 9th
4 different people have a crush on me!
I LOVE: singing my family friends smiles rain summer bright colors texting my computer cameras photography dreams poems writing jolly ranchers jokes nice people makeup my fan long hair showers animals money cars shopping time memories hugs my name laughs japan technology drums holidays helping being warm feather blankets appreciation shoes complements TONS MORE...