I have many interests so just ask if you really wanna know.
Godsmack, Rob Zombie, Alter Bridge, Hinder, Breaking Benjamin, Oasis, The Verve, Pearl Jam, Theory of A Deadman, Audioslave, Live, Drowning Pool, Puddle of Mudd, Lady GaGa, Adele, Metallica, Skid Row, and many more.
Favorite type of movies are horror, but I do like many different movies.
Absolute faves:
1.) Assassins
2.) Sleepy Hollow
3.) Friday
4.) Once upon a time in Mexico
5.) The Ninth Gate
6.) Helter Skelter..........and tons more. Lol
I don't know if this would be considered idols, but I LOVE Johnny Depp and Antonio Banderas!!!!! They are the two best actors ever!!!
Video Games
I'm a mario fanatic!!!! Also I kick major ass on the Tiger Woods golf games. Lol