36 Year Old
From WahiawÄ, HI·
Joined on August 27, 2011
Relationship status: Married
Born on January 1st
"First,my real name is wendy castillio.frm.philippines,,but living in hawaii,iam 5'2.black hair,.simple.,talkative,naughty sometimes,it depends on the people i talked to,iam friendly 2 anyone,i can be ur frends if u wnt 2,i can b ur shoulder 2 lean on if ur in pain..(((JUST DNT ASK ME TO MAKE VIDEO CHAT W/ U AND DO SOME NASTY STUFF,,IF UR KCID IS HARD&HOT,KEEP IT IN UR PANTS,LET IT COOL.))I love the way iam right now,cause its the real me,its (..WWWWEEENNNDDDYYY...")
36 Year Old
From WahiawÄ, HI·
Joined on August 27, 2011
Relationship status: Married
Born on January 1st
"Iam interested to any kinds of flowers,specially orchids,i love the smell.love the colors..(When it comes to a man,im interested to his perfume,the man that can turn my head when he pass me,the scent that can make me smile and say omg,im inlove,.YUMMY.."
country music,pop.slow rock,
suspense movies..(scaring my self,covering my body in my own blanket.
so far NONE..(myself)
Video Games
i dont play video games..never been try.
Latest Status
love me hard im thinking twice now if i still want 2 log in fubar and delete my account..guys plz,,help me deside,.idk wat 2 think already,..c'mon give comment plz..tnx.
Seymour Glass one day you will return. or visit this from another profile.