48 Year Old
From Titusville, FL·
Joined on August 20, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 6th
I have a crush on someone!
I am not your average black dude. So dont let my looks fool you. Lets just say my knickname is yogi now all you have do is use your amagination and you just might figure me out, But we'll see how right you are.
48 Year Old
From Titusville, FL·
Joined on August 20, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 6th
I have a crush on someone!
you might think there is something wrong with me if i told you that. Or better yet -If I told you I'd have to kill you- hahahahaha /joking/ Just ask and I will tell.
I will give you a hint (curb kids) lol. lets see if you can figuret that one out.
Sci-fi, Fantasy, certain types of dramas like One Hour Photo Great Robin Williams movie. I hate chick flicks. Give me some Arnold and a buncha killer robots any day. Movie that dig deep into the mind like Donnie Darkko fantastic movie about time travel. that sorta gives you an idea. Im a big movie buff.
Stephen King For his mind binding series The Dark Tower. Stephen Hawking the greatest mind alive of today. Zues for having pitty on us moratls. Donkeys cause they have it made in mexico (snicker). lets see the little green men that put us on this rock. The planet Venus for giving us one of most valueble treasure on this planet =WOMEN= (YOU KNOW THEY HOLD THE KEY TO PANDORAS BO
Video Games
All of them. I use to carry my nintendo around with me everywhere when I was younger. Enough said.
Latest Status
yogi76 im tired of being single and tired of relationships with no meaning. I just want someone who'll let me let it all out for their pleasure.
Yo cuz come check the lounge out , http://fubar.com/lounge/80672And Im right here in Melbourne, holla at ya boy when u need a DJ no doubt I do this for real