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43 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 13, 2011 · Born on August 15th
43 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 13, 2011 · Born on August 15th

First off we are not a Fm station. you don't have to use a radio to listen to us. We aren't a satellite station either!

We are a station that you can tune into us while you are on your computer or around your computer. heck you can even use your playstation, wii, ipod, itunes and phone apps to tune into us. We also have tool bars and easy and out of the way players ( so they don't take up your whole screen).We are 100% free so you can entertain yourself with our awesome Dj's.

We aren't crude and rude. We aren't perverted and constantly uncensored ( our Dj's aren't supposed to swear constantly but if it pops out every now and then we allow it). We try to have fun for you and interact with you. Our music ( doesn't have to be) but is uncensored ( the Dj's aren't uncensored). This doesn't mean we have the hard core music to where it is constantly swearing, this doesn't mean we have ridiculous and repugnant comedy clips or songs. It just means we play the music how the artist intended it to be. Our radio station is like we are showing you Machelangelo's statue of David. we will show you the full art of him, while other radio stations cover him up. This doesn't mean all dj's have the original music of the artist they can have the censored music if they wish. It is all up to our dj's to come up with different ways to portray themselves as who they want to be on the station. for example: Dj hillbilly portrays himself as a hillbilly he might not have the original music from the artist and have it censored and only does country. Yet DJ preach may have the original music of the artist and play all heavy metal and acts like he is a metal preacher. They are free to be how they want to be but have to do it in a tasteful way, while entertaining you and interacting with you.

CFR stands for the artists rights of freedom of speech ( but not all dj's have to do this) ! As of the example of michelangelo's david , we do this for the Music Artists. We wanted it this way because we help out unsigned artist. They are able to sign up and register their music to be played on the station, while we are playing main stream music from all genre's. This helps the artists of the unsigned band get out there and heard around the world. Our radio station also helps the unsigned bands spend less money trying to censor out their music. Which means they would have to make CD with the original music and then create CD's with their censored songs, in which would cost them more money for doing that. So they can give us their original music and not worry about to other costs of censoring it.

We make no money doing this. We don't charge the unsigned bands, we don't charge you, and we don't charge the Dj's. We make no money unless we have some kind listeners who are generous enough to donate( and also DJ's who donate ;) ). The station does cost to be up and running and legal. Most of your internet radio stations aren't legal! CFR has to pay for the program to dj on, we have to pay for seating licenses for the DJ's, we have to pay royalties of on air hours ( which we are on air 24/7), we have to pay for programs that help you interact with the dj's ( chat room, forum license, IM bar, etc..). So basically there is a lot to pay and we give you this for free and give the unsigned bands this for free.

Our Dj's dj on a volunteer basis. which means they give 2 or more days of 3 hour shows with not getting paid. We thank and miss every single dj who has ever help us out along the way. we do have rules for being a uncensored station so there is some or a little uniformity but we want you to enjoy yourself with our Dj's so they do have some freedom of artistic abilities. They try hard to give you entertainment while you are doing homework, searching, working, playing games, and chatting on the internet. We have a program that lets you look threw our Dj's play list and request a song so that you can dedicate it out to whomever you want to or just for you. DJ's try to interact with you by IM's, chats, web communities and using things on our forum/message board or just chatting with you from the requests on air.

CFR has more then just music! We have games with awards, video up load ( like youtube but we don't take out the music you have on your videos like youtube did.), gallery, statuses, comments, e-mail/PM, Instant messages, chat, posts, blogs, store, rating, add a friend, about me/profile and so much more. basically we are like a small facebook! We are actually hooked up with facebook too, so if you write a status on your profile on CFR you can check the little facebook F and it will post on your facebook if you use facebook to register to CFR with. we are basically a station that you can bring your friends to and listen to good music and have fun with the Dj's and inside the forum.

here are some of our things to help you get around:

*our tool bar has most everything you need to get around facebook and it is out of the way on your web browser.


*Here is a player that you can use that only takes up a small small area because you can raise it up ( meaning retract it)

You just have to download it and yes anything you get from CFR is virus free, we make sure of that because we love our lsiteners!


using media players you can find us on those

Windows Media player



Real Player

just place in ( http://www.crossfire-radio.com:8000 )

For our cell phone users you just need to upload a free ( YES FREE) app to tune into us ;)


then find us on the Vradio to tune in


we are the 5th down under stations ( CrossFire-Radio )

43 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 13, 2011 · Born on August 15th
Keep updated on who is on with CFR DJ schedule (http://crossfire-radio.com/calendar/djschedule.htm)

eastern standard time

(west America is 3 hours behind which means 7pm would be 4pm)


7pm to 10pm Patriot

1am to 4am Nut Nut


7pm to 10pm Preach and Squirt

10pm to 1am Random

1am to 4am Nut Nut


7pm to 10pm Treble

10pm to 1am nut Nut

1am to 4am Daddy balls


10pm to 1am Patriot

1am to 4am Daddy balls


4pm to 7pm Patriot

7pm to 10pm Patriot

10pm to 1am Paladin

1am to 4am Daddy balls


7pm to 10pm Treble

10pm to 1am Nut Nut

1am to 4am Daddy balls


10pm to 1am Preach and Squirt

1am to 4am Daddy balls

DJ Fire ( Owner gets on whenever)

Evil Mistress ( co-owner gets on almost never)

Satin ( partial owner, fills in for daddy balls)

Dj daddy balls is on LOA may be back tuesday july 12th

Patriot is on LOA till july 18th

DJ Hillbilly is on the down low

Fender is currently done

Nut Nut is back july 12th

Random will be returning soon
Are you so bored that sometimes you are scratching your head and asking yourself "why am I playing these games or Why am I on facebook when I am sitting here bored"?

Well, I have something just for you that can pass the time and you will enjoy yourself!
Do you like to interact with people? Well, of course you do you are on facebook.
Are you a well minded person? Well, maybe you are maybe you aren't but can you act grown up and inte...lligent roflmao?

We at CFR are looking for On Air DJ's. If you enjoy music and enjoy spending time with people that have the same likes as you then this is your calling. We train you and also let you use the software to DJ with.You just need a computer and your own music.

You can be who you want to be! give yourself a name, your own show ideas, and pick your own type of music censored or uncensored from all genres. Djing is all volunteer work you pick 2 or more days a week and do a Dj show of 3 hours. Sorry we can't pay you we are paying for the station to be legal and up and running!

If this grabs your attention and you think you might be interested, please read this :


fill out the Dj form and read on the page what we need from you. If we do not get a reply from the youl with your voice clip and things we need with in 3 days we will then dismiss your application all together. Must be 18 yrs old or older!
Video Games
www.crossfire-radio.com ( we have a arcade )

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  • Crossfireradio on www.crossfire-radio.com if you are up you can listen to nut nut Sundays: 1am to 4am Nut Nut
    13 years ago · Comment

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  • gentleman gem l...Crossfireradio
    welcome to fu land love and hugs have fun and play nice fm this sweet sexy hot rockin balto gentleman who keeps it real and honest shows kindness respect trust and love to communicate. also the rock and roll angel of fu, rock on love on. and again welcome

    13 years ago · Reply
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