33 Year Old
From Farmington, NM·
Joined on July 11, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 24th
1 person has a crush on me!
Im Anna and Im 19 years young. Im very sweet and honest! Just looking to make friends and have fun! I have a son who is my little metalhead and sooo cute! My life is him and music. I listen to screamo and hardcore and sometimes a little of other stuff too. I love hair and makeup and IM a camera whore! If I could take pictures for a living I would!
33 Year Old
From Farmington, NM·
Joined on July 11, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 24th
1 person has a crush on me!
MUSIC and my SON!
Screamo and Hardcore <3 Asking Alexandria <3 I have hundreds of bands that I listen toso not gonna name em all but Im a huge music freak!
Horror, gorey and comedy!
Latest Status
Anna Also if youre old dont add me! IM only 19 and oldest Ill talk to is 26! If youre hot tho add me :D
T Welcome to Fubar dont count all the old people out hun if you hang around here you will find out they might be the only ones to have your back when you need it ...just sayin