59 Year Old
From Belton, TX·
Joined on July 5, 2011
Born on August 28th
59 Year Old
From Belton, TX·
Joined on July 5, 2011
Born on August 28th
Latest Status
Swampdoc Swampy COPY THIS TO YOUR STATUS AND SEE WHAT PEOPLE RATE YOU, | 1. Violent | 2. I'd marry you | 3. Sweet | 4. Beautiful | 5.Talkative | 6. Hot | 7. Loved | 8. Funny | 9. Fun | 10. Perfect | 11. I love you | 12. Miss you | 13. Random| 14. Your Awesome:)
People come into our lives for a reason, i hope for a good one .A woman was made from a man's rib. Not from his foot to be walked on, not from his head to be looked down upon, but from his side, to be equal, surround by his arm to protect her and next to his heart. If you had a million $$ who could you trust it with? think about that long and hard, then think how much your heart is worth to you and whom is worthy of you giving it to, who could you really trust it with? Remember life is about choices you can choose how to treat someone and you can choose what is acceptable to how someone treats you. If your prepared to ask the questions on this journey be also prepared to what answers it may throw at you, some answers give you another thousand questions, stay curious, its how you learn and how you grow. Keep open minded, someones reality is not the same as yours, learn from theirs. The past is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, thats why its called the present.God determines who walks into your life.