Joined on June 11, 2011
Born on July 28th
Born in Banjarmasin – South Borneo Indonesia. with the name : Randy Rahkmadany, I begin to enter a photography world in 1999. Start with analog camera, I realize that photography can take me to another metaphysics world. A contentment that can be feel by myself, a different angle of beauty. Motivated by my lecture, Risman Marah – the one who introduce me to SLR Camera, I begin to capture a moment especially a beauty of landscape and the human it self. With my first camera, Yasica fx-D, I deepen photography and found my self. Born in Banjarmasin – South Borneo Indonesia. with the name : Randy Rahkmadany, I begin to enter a photography world in 1999. Start with analog camera, I realize that photography can take me to another metaphysics world. A contentment that can be feel by myself, a different angle of beauty. Motivated by my lecture, Risman Marah – the one who introduce me to SLR Camera, I begin to capture a moment especially a beauty of landscape and the human it self. With my first camera, Yasica fx-D, I deepen photography and found my self.Fall in love with the beauty of differences, I learn how to optimize the colors by digital creative imaging. I learn how to excrete the beauty of photo by color and dimension post processing without embody an additional object to my photo with self – educated. With digital creative I found a double complacency. I can capture a beauty with photos and I can keep continues my passion in painting by post processing my photos.Some of my photo achieve a credit in some photography magazine and website.With my passion on photography and art, I hopes that his work can be enjoyed by any level of society.
Joined on June 11, 2011
Born on July 28th