47 Year Old
From Charlotte, NC·
Joined on April 13, 2011
Born on January 20th
I have a crush on someone!
Professional and courteous in public. In private I am whatever my atmosphere allows for. Very social but serious about serious things. Intimately you will have to find out for yourself.
47 Year Old
From Charlotte, NC·
Joined on April 13, 2011
Born on January 20th
I have a crush on someone!
Meeting people, the outdoors and all it has to offer especially the ocean, Politics, helping people solve life issues.
I like all kinds from Creed to Bell Biv Devoe, Jay-Z to Dave Matthews. Not huge into country but I wouldn't turn it off.
V for Vendetta, Legends of the Fall, Avatar and Tron were both very cool in Imax 3D in Myrtle Beach. it's 4 stories of screen. It is truly an experience.
Jesus: I am not a bible thumper by any stretch but Jesus is admirable no matter what you believe. I happen to believe in A higher power and that he was the incarnation of that entity.
My Father: He was not perfect but he was loved and admired by almost everyone who knew him.
My two Daughters Ayla & Alena: They lift my heart every day and teach me something new about myself, the world, and the miracle of life every few minutes. We have a blast together.
Video Games
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jbhaskin When confronted by the truth or political correctness to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy I usually opt for the truth. I figure they can feel fuzzy about solving whatever makes them not feel fuzzy. Is that wrong?
I have no Idea what I am doing on this site but it's kinda fun. an online bar is exactly how I would describe it. since I don't drink much, I'll see if it works.