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47 Year Old · Male · From Charlotte, NC · Joined on April 13, 2011 · Born on January 20th · I have a crush on someone!
47 Year Old · Male · From Charlotte, NC · Joined on April 13, 2011 · Born on January 20th · I have a crush on someone!

Professional and courteous in public. In private I am whatever my atmosphere allows for. Very social but serious about serious things. Intimately you will have to find out for yourself.

47 Year Old · Male · From Charlotte, NC · Joined on April 13, 2011 · Born on January 20th · I have a crush on someone!
Meeting people, the outdoors and all it has to offer especially the ocean, Politics, helping people solve life issues.
I like all kinds from Creed to Bell Biv Devoe, Jay-Z to Dave Matthews. Not huge into country but I wouldn't turn it off.
V for Vendetta, Legends of the Fall, Avatar and Tron were both very cool in Imax 3D in Myrtle Beach. it's 4 stories of screen. It is truly an experience.
Jesus: I am not a bible thumper by any stretch but Jesus is admirable no matter what you believe. I happen to believe in A higher power and that he was the incarnation of that entity.

My Father: He was not perfect but he was loved and admired by almost everyone who knew him.

My two Daughters Ayla & Alena: They lift my heart every day and teach me something new about myself, the world, and the miracle of life every few minutes. We have a blast together.
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  • jbhaskin When confronted by the truth or political correctness to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy I usually opt for the truth. I figure they can feel fuzzy about solving whatever makes them not feel fuzzy. Is that wrong?
    13 years ago · Comment

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  • jbhaskin
    I have no Idea what I am doing on this site but it's kinda fun. an online bar is exactly how I would describe it. since I don't drink much, I'll see if it works.

    13 years ago · Reply
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