First off, not gay. So the fags like BountyHunter, go elsewhere for your boy toys. As for the fat slobs that are pissed off because I work out and take pride in myself, go fuck yourselves, oh wait, you already do because you cant find anyone to get laid by.
I fight for this country and had friends die, So keep your fuking gutter opinions to yourself. Dont give me any shit while you sit on your fat lazy asses watching tv and drinking beer you fucking ingrates.
Now, anyone here thats nice?
Oh and one other thing, if you dont like my pictures, then dont look at them. Go pound a 10 pound bag of sand up your ass! I dont give a fuk if you like em or not!
I dont have time for movies, Im too busy protecting your fat lazy asses
Certainly not the fucking pansies that sit on their fuking asses under the protection that I provide.