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37 Year Old · Male · Joined on November 25, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 2nd · I have a crush on someone!
37 Year Old · Male · Joined on November 25, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 2nd · I have a crush on someone!

About me…no…it’s more like “This Is Me”. I am a poet, I read it and I write my own. Anything from love, to fantasy, to reality. Reality, huh… being real is what I’m all about. No masks, jokes or tricks to cover up who I am. I’m level headed, both and Introvert and an Extrovert (sometimes). I like books, walks in the park, sitting out under the stars just letting my mind wander.

I don’t where the latest men’s fashions, or bright colors. I mostly wear my blacks, greys, blues and whites. It’s not too often you’ll see me wearing anything else. I enjoy just going about my business in Jeans, a T-Shirt and sneakers/black work boots.

As for who I’d like to meet, well that’s easy, someone real. A girl who’s not afraid to be herself no matter what because we all live in this world where people are always trying to be something they’re not. I just want to meet someone who’s just as real as I. No jokes, tricks or masks to cover up their life. Honesty is what I really look for…And what is this deal about the IDEAL or PERFECT first date. There’s no such thing as an ideal or perfect first date. For me a first date is a time to start to get to know a person. During the day is best, having lunch at a coffee shop…casual dress, nothing special. Otherwise you risk putting on that mask of illusion, hiding who you really are.

Remember, never let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game.

37 Year Old · Male · Joined on November 25, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 2nd · I have a crush on someone!
Poetry, Short stories, Scripts, Songs, Etc, I Like to Dance Hip Hop, Ballroom and Salsa, I Like to Go Running, Watchin Movies and Hangin Out With Friends... anythin outdoors, going to the bar/strip club and bein a guy 16_winksmile.gif


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  • Rogue Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
    14 years ago · Comment

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