44 Year Old
Joined on January 10, 2006
Born on July 17th
I am 25 (bout 12 in the head) 6ft2 and have brown hair n eyes. I'm married with 2 wonderful beautiful children(yes they do get there looks off their mum ha ha) celsea 5 n taylor 18months. At the mo i work for last minute.com in customer services but am joining the navy in march. I just generally love havin a laugh with me mates n meetin new people, lifes to short for worrying so just get on with it n have a laugh.
44 Year Old
Joined on January 10, 2006
Born on July 17th
My interests are mostly sporting i like football, cricket, basketball n most sports really. I love goin the match to watch the mighty Liverpool fc (champions of europe 5 times n counting yanno!). I do photo keyrings at parties of a weekend so am usually kept busy. Am joining the navy in march so i spend most of my spare time either in the gym, on the road at stupid o clock in the morning or at thai boxing classes to keep me fit enough to make it thru basic training in one piece.
I like most music am pretty easy goin really. I love r n b n a bit of boyz 2 men always goes down well
Barrister Koto ObokoOboko & AssociatesLome-TogoAttneter kewnI am Barrister Koto Oboko, personal attorney to the late M.A.kewn,a foreign construction engineer who was a resident here inLome Togo.My client died with his family while on Vacation at PhuketIsland in Thailand in December 2004. Asia Earth Quake Disaster(TSUNAMIDISASTER)On the 6th of January 2005,I received a phone call as his personalAttorney which broke the tragic news of my clients death in theTsunami disaster. Since then I have made several inquiries to locateany of his extended relatives.This has proved unsuccessful. After several unsuccessful attempts, Idecided to contact you hence I know that you bears the same surnamewith him. I seek your consent and assistance in repatriating moneyleft behind by him before it gets confiscated or declaredunserviceable by the Bank. The deposit is valued US$8,500,000.00(Eight Million,Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars only) andit is lodged with Bank.The Bank has issued me an ultimatum to present the next-of-kin of thedeceased to inherit the funds or have the account declaredunserviceable. I here by seek your consent to present you to the Bankas next-of-kin of the deceased, so that the proceeds of this accountvalued US$8,500,000.00 can be transferred to you as inheritance, andthereafter you and me will share the money, while part of it will bedonated to Charity Fund.I have necessary legal information which in legal terms are supposedto be known by me and this will I relate to you to support the claimof the inheritance from the Bank. All I require is your honestco-operation to enable us see the transaction through. I guaranteethat the transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangementthat will protect you from any breach of the law.Reply through my business address : kotooboko@gmail.comThank you.Barrister Koto ObokoOboko & AssociatesReply through my business address : kotooboko@gmail.com