39 Year Old
Joined on December 9, 2006
Born on March 16th
·1 referrals joined!
I waz new at L.S.U. when huricane Katrina came.I waz visiting a frend and her mom waz sik.She told me that huricanes alwayes com,so we stay.When a tree fell in the ruf we alredy was in lots of water.I waz try to help go get help and I got hit with a flotin car.I waz gona die but somone saw it from a helicoper.When they got me out of water I had brane damag.I liv with my mom now an want frends.A frend at church tole me abote here.She sed peple are nice.It takes me a long time to do stuf.I get hedakes and have to lay down a lot.I can thank som things but cant get it out.So far peple here are not nice.I click on picter of a peeng statu cause it waz funny and the man is bein meen.Wat is a weed?I wan make frends.If my speling do not anoi you.My mom tole me I cud not be bak here til my dad got home.He is here.He tole me I cut not be here unles he is home.He is a truc driver and is only home on Wensday and sumtime Thersday. So now I can onli be here on Thersday.My dad is not hapi.He sed he is gona be here tomaro and then he tel me if I hav to leve here nex time he is here.And I can not be here unles he is home until he seys I can be.When I get scared or sad I get hedakes and then I can have seezures.
39 Year Old
Joined on December 9, 2006
Born on March 16th
·1 referrals joined!
I use to smok.I dont anymor it can kill you!
I waz gona be a teecher in college of music.
I like helpin my Mom at church.
I love music.
I use to love reeding.
I like jaz.I like peano.I like clasikal.I like opra.I was gona be a music teecher in colege.
I dont wach movies much animor.I get hedakes.I like the three stooges I can spel if it is in front of me.That is how I piced my name on heer.That iz funni.
GOD say to have none.
My hero is the peeple that saved me.Oh and Army peeple.And teechers.
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