I'm 5'2" 98 lbs. Brown eyes, short brown hair and a slim figure :) My best feature.. My a**! LOL I have four children of my own and 6 step-children. They are great and awesome kids.
I enjoy a ton of stuff, some of it mentioned here in my profile! First and foremost though I love my man and our children! The rest of the leisure activities in life are just fringe benefits!
I am here for friends and friends only.. Unless of course ur some hot a** bi chick.. unattatched that is :)
Reading, Writing, Biking, Hiking, Listenin' to music, Hangin' out w/ friends, Sims (Gaming), Playing pool, Swimming, Camping, Spending time w/ my family, Crafting, Kareoke (By myself), Alone time.. Among a ton of other things!
Shakira - Underneath You Clothes & Hips Don't Lie, Three Days Grace - Pain, Nickleback - Animals & I'm Alive, Trace Adkins - Honkeytonk Badonkadonk, Doug Stone - Too Busy Bein' In Love, Kenny Rogers - Coward of the County, Lita Ford - Kiss Me Deadly, Kim Carnes - Betty Davis Eyes,
Hackers, Homeroom, Hangmans Curse, Dragonfly, The hole, Center Stage, High School Musical, Dirty Dancing, Road House, Teen Witch, Robocop 3, Wizard of Oz, Footloose, XXX, Monty Python (& the Holy Grail), Newsies, Fiddler on the Roof, The Color Purple, All Nightmare on Elm Street, All Friday the 13th, Fast & The Furious,
My Step-Mom!!
Dog the Bounty Hunter & His Crew!!!!
Ever watched Dog the Bounty Hunter? I have. That whole damn crew is awesome.. & Then the sh*t they're goin' through because they tried to make the world a better place.. Hmmm.. Here's a link to sign a petition to keep them from being extradited back to Mexico.. I urge all of you to sign it!! Please!!!!
Video Games
Sims (All of them exept Sims Tower & Rollercoaster)