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48 Year Old · Joined on December 7, 2006 · Born on January 1st
48 Year Old · Joined on December 7, 2006 · Born on January 1st

I'm the product of a mixed humanity, which was never meant for mass production... Too weird to live, too rare to die... Undefinable by nature, but not by style... I am everything, as I am nothing... Your lover, your zero... Just when you think you know me, I will change and stirr you up for a second time... Oh, and i'm bisexual... do you have what it takes to turn me on? I'm Karlie.[[Fuckface]]., I live in a rubbish town wheres theres nothing to do ever apart from gett wrecked. >.< I love music its not my life or anything pretentious like that but it is a massive influence on my life. I love photography, its something that has made me myself. I love Sketching/Drawing. I'm a rather freindly person aslong as I'm not tired then I become cranky and gett annoyed rather quickly. I can piss people off really well unless I'm trying to then people just laugh. My favorite colors are Purple and Green. >.< I can be shy at times. I love ta be crazah. I laugh at muh own jokes way to much. I hate school,Love hanging out with muh friends. Also, I'm not teh smartest chick you'll ever meet but I tent ta be a very big smart ass. xXx I love you like the blood runes in my veins I love you like the blood That pierces my heart .. But when you love me it will consume me whole. xXx =x

48 Year Old · Joined on December 7, 2006 · Born on January 1st
CONTEST WINNERS cutest girl:9/13 best eyes: 9/28 best friends: 10/1 best hair: 10/10 no theme I no theme II

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