39 Year Old
Invited by: John John·
Joined on December 1, 2006
Born on March 2nd
im an alchi. i go to NA meetings aand laugh at the people crying about there sob stories. im an asshole to. i like tattoos. cant get enough of em. im destructive to society and a bad influence to your children. the music never stops playing around me. i dunno if its a radio or just all the lsd ive eatin. sumday im gonna be huge and your gonna want my autograph. and ill prolly be so fuckd up wen im givin it to u that i puke all over ur shirt with my band logo on it
39 Year Old
Invited by: John John·
Joined on December 1, 2006
Born on March 2nd
unsafe sex music and being completely enihalated. more tattoos, i ride quads alot. not to get good or anything just to see how much fast, higher, and closer to death the can get me without killiing me. they prolly will tho unless sum other reckless bullshit i do doesnt
JIM MORRISON is fuckin god.
im another heroe of mine. so respect the cock wether or not u belive in it