adult swim, animals, art, asian food, austin, beed board, blood hound gang, boobies, burlyness, cats, cheesecake, chopsticks, coneheads, cooking, corsets, david bowie, dogs, everything in moderation, gravy, green tea, half mexican sausage, hands, hickies, i'm too sexy, infomercials, james belushi, japanese food, koolaid, laughing, listening, lonely southern roads, long hot baths, mango(snl), mangoes, men, munchies, music, naps, night, office space, passion, passionate naps, peircings, pin ups, random tangents, sex, singing in the rain, smelly cheese, snoop dogg, steve martin, stevie ray vaughn, stormy days, sun tea, sweet tea, tattoos, the blues brothers, the sexy, the spanish inquisition!, trees, wane scotting, women
Music I love music to list a few genre's I like: like alternative, grunge, pop, classical, techno, rock, rap, and old school rock. Not feeling country or boy bands.
Movies I love movies...
Heroes ur mom
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Video Games
I've played and beat all of the Zeldas except the new Wii version... i play hero and WoW... Ninety-nine nights... grand theft auto