System of a Down, Garbage, Big Dumb Face, Marcy Playground, Placebo, Flogging Molly, Sublime, Dead Kennedeys, Nirvana, Weezer, Queen, Milla Jovovich, Bowling For Soup, Type O Negative, Nickleback, 10 Years, Molotov, Drowning Pool, Tool, NIN, Dressy Bessy, Alien Ant Farm, Korn, The Deftones, Disturbed, OPM, Dido, Days of the New, The Toadies, Soundgarden, Rage, Three Days Grace, Kittie, The Pogues, Rammstein, ICP, Lit, Fastball, Marilyn Manson, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins, Mudvayne..... I assume you get the idea by now.
Mostly crappy horror movies.....(Think Troma)the ones that are so terrible they are almost funny. Zombie Flicks, Shaun Of The Dead, Harry Potter, Tank Girl, LOTR, To Wong Foo, Sin City, Terror Firmer, The Fifth Element, Mom And Dad Save The World, High School High, Major Payne, The Pest, 50 First Dates, Romeo And Juliet, Bruce Almighty, Office Space, Eternal Sunshine, Ichi The Killer, Ghost World, Princess Mononoke, Moulin Rouge, The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Now And Then, Super Mario Brothers, Dummy, Boondock Saints, Rocky Horror, The Princess Bride, A Clockwork Orange......The list goes on and on.......