42 Year Old
Invited by: lostfetus·
Joined on November 27, 2006
Born on July 8th
Myspace LayoutsBlah blah blah. I hate filling this shit out. If you wanna know about me...you gotta ask. By the way...Im a lesbian so no cyber for the boys. Muah ha ha ha ha!!!
42 Year Old
Invited by: lostfetus·
Joined on November 27, 2006
Born on July 8th
table table table td.text div img {visibility:hidden;} table table table td.text div { background-image:url("http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/2934/onlinenow30py.gif"); background-repeat:no-repeat;} able table table td.text table table div img {visibility:visible;} table table table td.text table table div { background-image:none;}
Myspace Layouts