45 Year Old
Invited by: 244559·
Joined on November 22, 2006
Born on August 11th
What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.comI got no dirrection in life? I think, I'm going to move to Mexico and become a Bull fighter!I moved to Nor-Cal (Chico), Im from San Francisco. I go to school CSUC (Chico State). Its fun, I like chico its a lot more laid back than the bay area. Well I'm a fun loving guy. I love to laugh and I'm consantly doing goofy things to try and make people laugh . I think I'm funny but im just a dork and that is funny most of the time.
45 Year Old
Invited by: 244559·
Joined on November 22, 2006
Born on August 11th
Fun I like to take romantic walks on the beach, Nah.. I know dumb joke. I enjoy being sarcastic, making jokes, have fun with life. Being positive as much as possible. Happieness is my biggest interests. Be sides that I like normal stuff: sports, going to the gym, outdoor activities, etc... What your mind can conceive and believe, it will achieve. Dream great dreams, and make them come true. You are unique. In all of the history of the world there was never anyone else exactly like you, and in all the infinity to come, there will never be another you. What you believe yourself to be, you are. To accomplish great things, you must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe in your self. Believeā¦
Uhm... I like lots of stuff, Right now I listen to mostly rock ( Soul Rock )
It really just depends on my mood.
MY current Mood...
Head Automatica - Lying Through Your TeethHead Automatica's MySpace Page
Too many to name. but I love most all indepedent flims. "Garden State" is my Fav movie right now, I love that movie...
Martin Luther king jr., Ceaser chavez, Gandhi, Che Guevara, people who stand up against oppression... and The most wonderful person in the, my MOM!
Video Games
I'm not big on games, but I do love Tiger Woods golf (EA Sports), Madden is also fun. Halo witha group of friend is cool!