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36 Year Old · From Hampstead, NC · Invited by: Belladonna · Joined on November 22, 2006 · Born on September 8th
36 Year Old · From Hampstead, NC · Invited by: Belladonna · Joined on November 22, 2006 · Born on September 8th

Im really fun to hang out wit, GIRLS TELL ME they love my body. I think it's just cause I got abs and im 10inches below tha belt. Ima Piru, Blood that was breed in tha streets. Im tha type of person that thinks after bodies drop. I use my hands first then my brain. I got a real short temper. And when im pissed I act on anger. 2 dudes got on my bad side. Now they aint breathin. I kill crabs for a reason, But I fuck they girlfriends for fun. I say if you aint got a good reason why you I should let you live then ima pop yo ass. It's cK all day. I have been told fuck love, that shit is played out. Love holds you back is what they say. But love is what makes all of us. If your parents didn't love or even like each other then you wouldn't be here, think about that next time you say I dont need love. Man Money is whats it bout. Money make tha world go round.

36 Year Old · From Hampstead, NC · Invited by: Belladonna · Joined on November 22, 2006 · Born on September 8th
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Eminem ft 50 Cent Lloyd Banks and Cashis You Dont Know

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