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Points: 348

Stats for Mar 18

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74 Year Old · Invited by: 343202 · Joined on November 21, 2006 · Born on March 16th

Searching for friends around greensboro or liberty N.C. I will be moving there in april 2007. I am 4'11" Hazel eyes' black and silver hairI have 6 children 4 girls 2 boys and 6 grand children 4 boys and 2 girls.I worked my whole life 2 jobs all around the country in search of 3 of my children that were stolen. Yes I found them after 22years. They were 5 mo, 14mo and 27 mo when stolen they were 23,24,25 when I found them. The 3 children I had with me suffered through a lot of schools, friends and different lifestyles in the search. This is why I am moving to N.C my oldest daughters live there and I want to spend time with them. and my grandchildren (3)4 of them are handicaped 2 boys Cerebal palsy ( has 2 childern) and my other blind. My youngest has narcolopsy and scoilsis (has 1 child an 1 on the way) 1 born with wilson syndrem (hole in lung)and heart problems. at age 16 became NH state youth of the year finished college, attorney just got married last week and is having her 1st baby. and theres a lot more.Yes I am a proud parent even though theres a lot of hate and jealousy between my ahildren but oh well shi- happens I worked for dunkins for 12 yrs thank got theyre a franchise huh DDU Ya I can make a cheese burger, fries'pizza's and sundaes all out of dounutsI have severe asthma my youngest tried to kill me and left me in my room for 2 days during an attack my body shut down and just kept my brain going. needless to say I now live on Oxygen and if thats a problem 4 u oh well.now I live alone with my cat bored to death. I was so use to being around a lot of people socially but never had friends because of my situation.So I can say I am easy going, understanding, truthful, honest and open ears.I also worked in cocktail lounges with bands and strippersand managed an dollar store. worked in pet shops and was a foster parent for problem teenage girls in mass.

74 Year Old · Invited by: 343202 · Joined on November 21, 2006 · Born on March 16th
Renaissance, midieval, Candle making, crafts, yard sales, mythology, watching movies, board games, bingo, dancing, picnic's, the drive-in, museums. i also love animals, I also love haunted houses, salem in massachusetts is fun and i go all out for halloween and Xmas. matter of fact i am moving cuz i bought a 8' carosal of xmas and i can't display it here no yard. I love to watch karoke
rock-n-roll oldies like shangral las, ponytails' crystals, etc.. also dylan, stones, cream, vanilla fudge. kiss, doors, alyce cooper, iron butterfly, i also loves the disco era
Video Games
Sorry I still play my orgional ninetundo that I bought in the 80's (games are sure cheep now huh)

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