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58 Year Old · Joined on November 13, 2006 · Born on March 2nd
58 Year Old · Joined on November 13, 2006 · Born on March 2nd

Hmmmmmmm about me....well I pretty much explained that already LOL But I will go into specifics a bit more I guess. I am 5'5 and about 150 pounds now that I have put on some "winter" weight. Yah right LOL I like to believe that so SHHHHHUSHHH! I think I have a relatively cute face but after having so many kids the body is kind of shot to shit. I could care less tho. I have a great husband who loves me the way I am. If he didn't I wouldn't care what any other man/person were to think of me. I am a self proclaimed bitch. I don't shy away from this fact but embrace it because it is who I am. I like me....if anyone else doesn't that is cool too. I have a tendency to run people off with my honestly....I am pushy, forward, apathetic.....which makes me a tad cold to people's issues unless I actually care about them. Seems this is becoming the norm in the world today so I am not all that unique in that respects I guess. When I love I love completely with my whole heart but it is rare. I love my husband and my kids and a few other people but that is it. I can see people for what they are within just a few minutes of meeting them and know if I want to waste my time getting to know them better or not. I am totally intuitive and been told that I am psychic. *that is PSYCHIC NOT PSYCHO even tho I am sure I have my moments there too LOL* If you ever want an honest answer to a question or someone to tell you like it is....I am the person to ask. I hate stupidity and ignorance. I despise weak minded people and people that wallow in self pity. I am mean.....cruel and have an AWESOME evil streak. I do feel compassion occasionally.....I have a weakness for children. In most cases anyways. I only have compassion for those that are truly innocent. I have a soft spot for animals because they are this world's true innocents. I guess that about covers it for now. I don't know what else to put LOL

58 Year Old · Joined on November 13, 2006 · Born on March 2nd
I am a 40 year old mother of 8. My second grandbaby is due in March. I can't wait!!! My kids and my husband are my life. There are very few people that are close to me and that is fine by me. I hate most people anyways. Most people are idiots. That is a fact! I am open minded and completely utter painfully honest. Even with myself. I tell it like it is and don't care who gets caught in the cross fire. If you can't handle the truth that is on you. I am on this site for mainly one reason and that is to give a certain someone a small tiny peice of my mind. It won't help her anyways as she has none of her own to begin with but someone has to reel this stoopid ho in. That being said.....I do value intelligence above all other things. If you aren't completely psycho and can think for yourself then chances are I might like you. I don't judge people based on race, religion or political views....but what is on the inside and above one's shoulders. I am an ATHEIST that leans a little agnostic and I am PROUD of that fact. I DO NOT worship satan just because I DON'T believe in GOD. Get a grip. I am originally from Southern California and have been transplanted here in Alabama for about the last 5 years. Culture Shock can almost be physically painful. I am still having problems adjusting as are my kids. I raise them to be free thinkers and make decisions on their own. That doesn't go over well when you live somewhere that they want everyone to fit the same mold. It is a cookie cutter society here and we don't fit in. I have however found my soul mate here so something good came from moving here. Guess that about covers it.....if you want to know more just ask I guess. Not sure how often I will be coming on here LOL Since I am pretty much on a mission!!!!!
I like most genres of music. I lean towards Alternative Rock if I had to narrow down a favorite. I deplore Rap and Country. I could never pick a favorite song or group. Too many good ones out there. I still love music from the 80's too. My husband posed a good question last night that I couldn't answer......U2 or REM???? WOW....then I thought....Zeppelin or Floyd???
There are SO many GREAT movies. I could never just narrow it down and why am I filling out all this crap anyways???? LOL

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