So glad you made it..As a constant member of FUBARI just wanted to welcome you.You have now entered the greatestANDONLY online PUB on the net!Take your shoes off and sit back.You are in for the thrill ride FOR SURE!NOW THE FUN CAN BEGINCAUSE YOU ARE HERE!ENJOY YOURSELFTo know a little about me, check my profile page!!So, if you're seriouslyTIRED OF THE BOREDOM&DRAMAmessage me your email/yim and I'll hit you upto explain the workings of Fubar.ALSOexplore the dark side & tell you my secrets, plus I know where they hide the chocolate chip cookies!Your Friendly NeighborhoodRedByrdI also perform Fu Weddings/Divorces&design some of the most elegant Fubar Wedding/Engagement/Divorce CertificatesNeed my services, give a holla!
HEY...Welcome to FUBARCome Rawk with the Best Fam and Friends around! UnHoLy PaRaNoia,Have some drinks and Join in the FUN!!****HIRING STAFF**** and paste the link and join the insanity!! Hope to see you there!
WELCOME TO FUBAR Just stopping by to say hiand send you a personal inviteto the hottest lounge on fubar We have great ppl, Great Music and HOT cam Girls and Guys Hope to see you there Just copy and paste this the Link Also we are hiring all staff !!! Luv!!Aimee