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47 Year Old · Joined on November 6, 2006 · Born on May 5th
47 Year Old · Joined on November 6, 2006 · Born on May 5th

Well my name is Randy and I am currently 29 and living in Manchester CT. My interests span a wide range of things which basically all focus on truth and reality. I enjoy learning about different philosophies and religious ideologies. I personally don't ascribe to any religion due to the level of circularity and dogma that is associated with most everything I have learned. Religion is interesting in some senses though because they do tend to have a profound message outside of who god is and what it expects of you. I have a passion for science and technology. I think that these things can pave the way for a better and more peaceful world if the driving force of these things would shift from monetary gain to gaining knowledge, improving efficiency, and exploring new theories for the sake of science it's self. If this paradigm shift did take place we could drastically decrease our energy, environmental, and resource problems. It would be possible that our life times could increase by 3 to 10 fold. Research has been done in these fields already and results have been produced. Companies that would be adversely affected by these technologies and innovations tend to buy the rights and file these things away for a later date so they don't lose their market. We could begin to expand our knowledge of the universe and why we are here. We could start to colonize other planets and moons to reduce our impending population density problems. But alas all we do is sit here and try to be the one who dies with the most toys. We want money, power, and fame. All these things are trite and I feel that we need to get over ourselves. Nothing ,other than love, is more fulfilling than to explore reality and to learn and experience new things. The pursuit of all of the superficial aspects of reality provides only temporary satisfaction and leaves one feeling the need for more. It is like an addiction to a drug that does not serve any purpose other than to perpetuate the need for these superficial things. I wish that people would take some time and start to think for themselves a little more often than I perceive they do because I feel they would start to realize how screwed up our cultures value system really is. I don't always take myself and life so seriously though, I do enjoy going out with my friends and having a good time. I generally like to engage in just about any sport and I like to travel and experience new things. I am a computer enthusiast and have about 10 years of experience in the field of IT. I have worked in research and development for 5 years at a laser company in CT. Working in research was the achievement of my dream but I left that job for a foolish romantic quest that ended disastrously. I am moving on with my life and I am once again back into research. I plan to finish my degree in physics and some day I hope to work on pioneering new avenues of research in the field of theoretical physics. So that is me in a nut shell, I could have made it shorter but I just didn't have the time....

47 Year Old · Joined on November 6, 2006 · Born on May 5th
Interests.. hmm lets see.. Just about anything that can keep me stimulated.. mentally or physically. I am really into computers and science.. I am pretty much into any outdoor sport but I am not much of a spectator. I like to hang out at coffee shops and enguage in interesting discussions or sometimes just mindless banter. I enjoy meeting new people and being adventuresome and spontanious. I always wanted to get involved in extreem sports but it seems I have never found the time.. Maybe once I am done with school I will invest in a parachute and a bungee cord. :)..
Pretty much anything.. I can tolerate country but I can't say it's ever something I really seek out
PI, Scent of a Woman, Contact, The Matrix, Dream for an Insomniac, Stand By Me, K-PAX...

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