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45 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 9, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 30th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
45 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 9, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 30th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
45 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 9, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 30th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

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    Smash FM2 BeckySexySmexy greet...
    Have a Wonderful Birthday

    5 years ago · Reply
  • docSexySmexy greet...
    Happy Birthday !!

    12 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ SexySmexy greet...
    happy birthdy

    12 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ SexySmexy greet...
    happy belated bday!

    13 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ SexySmexy greet...
    Do you know what a birthday is?  It's when they set fire to your dessert & stand around laughing and singing while you desperately try to put out the flames. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    13 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    The sacrifice a soldier makes is not only his perhaps his life, but also the time away from family, the family pays this price as well; so let us remember all who have suffered to give us freedom.They were throwing me a party with cake and ice creamwith all of the trimmings of which any kid could dream,a lot of people bringing gifts that were just for me.I was almost as happy as a person could beI was turning six years old and quite a scrapping ladand everyone was there that day, well except for Dad.I signed up for little league and thought it would be fun.I loved to hear the people cheer when I hit a run,went all the way to the finals and I got to play.I hit the winning run for the team upon that day,they all called me a champion and I was very gladeveryone was there that day, well except for Dad.When I graduated high school and got my degree,they were all as proud of me as they could ever be.All sit in that blazing sun and listened for my name,knowing that after this my life would not be the same.Some thought it was such a good thing, others found it sadand everyone was there that day, well except for Dad.I can not hold it against him the times he went away.He told me once it was the price that he just had to pay.I know he would love to have been there and all those thing seen,but he had his duties as a United States Marine.Be very thankful for the liberty that have you had,for people do pay for it daily, just like my Dad.I understand the life he chose and I follow it tooI now take his place in ranks and do what he use to do,along with so many others who miss so many thingsto make sure that you are safe and freedom's bell always rings.I proudly do my duty but admit it makes me sadto know my boy's at home with everyone but Dad.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    A poem that I wrote a while back, but am posting for this Holiday.A SoldierA soldier fights, a soldier dies ....a family mourns, a widow cries....some will praise what he bravely did....and honor the memory of this valiant kid....some will say,"oh what a shame"....and within the week forget his name....some will say its all for naught....not thinking of what his life bought....some will spit upon his grave....and criticize the life he gave....but he chose this path,not on a whim....he fought and died for all of them....To those that at funerals do protest....saying that all soldiers they detest....You may curse at those that mourn the loss....in the name of him upon the cross....he that re-attached a soldiers ear....he did not curse, he did not jeer....you say you know how he would feel...that he would hurt instead of heal....I think that only time will tell....and surely you will burn in hell....for if you think the Lord's that way....a heavy price you'll eternally pay....and as that soldier watches from above....his aching heart still filled with love....then you'll know and you will see....that he did it all for you and me... .

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    The morning poem, sort of a story type one to start the weekend and while you enjoy the holiday, please remember those who gave and give their time with their families, their blood, sweat and tears, even their lives; so that you can live in peace.Picking up the receiver I give a courteous"Hello""I need you dear." says a voice that I well know.Struggling hard to find the exact words to say"Given time it too will pass and you will be okay."" I do not think so for you haunt even my dreamsand are my every thought these days it seems.""There will be another enchanted by your faceand he shall soon these thoughts of yours replace.Just get some sleep and please, do take care."" I hate it at night knowing that you are over there,the distance is so small yet feels so very long.""You will be okay, you just have to be strong.""I love the sound of your voice and all you say,how you make me feel and that calming way.I could stay and talk to you all night through.""That is something that we should never do,besides I really must be going as you know.""I know, I know, I just wanted to hear your voice.""Be safe" I hung up the phone having no choice."And I will be in love with you" I said"my life through""and wish with all my heart, you could have been true."

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    Poem of the day is an attempt at something new, have done it only once before--a mono-rhyme.I sit alone within my cavern, one so very dark and deepso far back within it, that there no light can ever creep.It is there that I exist in agony as away my life I weep,nevermore to laugh or smile, impossible to even sleep.The results of loving someone who off my feet did sweepbut they were untrue to me, so such love you can keep.If I had the strength to climb, from a cliff I would leap,a disgraceful way to end it, so shameful and so cheap,devoid of hope and strength, I lie here in a sobbing heap,cursing myself for believing, crying, and not another peep.So here in my cavern, tears mix with the waters that seepand silently I pray that my soul death will come to reap.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    I wrote a sweet poem of my burning love and sent itso much time waiting for a reply, in loneliness I spent it.This unrequited love I had for her did indeed hurt me so,from this I learned it is bad to let your true feeling show.I had a lady that did once say that she could only love meand knowing that dream came true, was as happy as can bebut that knowledge, like she, herself turned out to be untrueand from this agonizing I learned that it is wrong to trust too.Other women over time trained me to do the things I doand each of them left alone this broken man before you.They say they like confidence, but then they rip it to a shredleaving nothing but self doubt and awful pain to fill your headsay they love who you are and then set out to change youI wonder was it just a fantasy of theirs to which they are true?Wishing only to find one good man with a kind loving heartthen they run off with some bad boy and tear it all apart.I am not the man you seek, he upon the cross was burnedby the lessons that from your sisters he painfully learned.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    Of all the things I have,I have only time that I can offer you.I once asked a wise man"How do you know love is true?,That they really mean it when those words they choose to say?"He thought for a bit and cringed his face in a peculiar way,He pondered on the question and the lies which could be told,trying to figure out how to know which lady you should hold.Finally he let out a sigh that sounded of such deep despairand revealed to me the answer, right then and right there."Time, sadly, is the only way that you can ever know for sureif the lady that you love will return one that is true and pure."I have already given my love and I know that it will be true,so it seems that truly now, time is all I have to offer you.I know that however long or short my time on this earth here,that I will love you so very true and always want you near.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    Use as little energy as possible, says natures rule,to get what you want or need; less you are a fool.One who waste energy doing anything will surely dieand their genetics will perish without a wimper or cry.That's part of why people stop trying as hard once matedor revert to traits they know the other has always hated.Feeling that once they are theirs it will somehow take less,that is how so many relationships end up in such a mess.It's natural that men will tend act in this same way as well,it is not some great guarded secret that to you I do now tell.If women don't insist on being treated like they so deserveand settle for one that will mistreat or is some kind of pervmen will learn that they get what they want without trying,women will find they are mated with their dreams dying.So make your man show attention and always treat you right,even if he resist or tries to put up some lame sort of fight;but always remember in this life that you are going throughthat like you a truly good man is indeed a true treasure too.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    climb out of bed in the morning and start the fireclothes out of the washer and put them in the dryermake a pot of coffee like I have every day beforelisten for it to start perking as I head out the doorI need to grain the horses and check their water tooput them out to pasture whenever they are throughwatching the horses play will always make me smile.head back to the house to warm up for a little whileopen a can of cat food so that they will not screampour a cup of coffee with sugar and some rich creamsitting at the table I see the first downy flakes of snowIt is indeed beautiful but it will melt by days end thoughFinish up my cup and fill a bucket full of cracked corngo and feed the chickens as I do each and every morngather the eggs and back to the house once againthe dogs stop to play or just to be a pestering painput the bread in the toaster and bacon in the fry panand hope that the day will go something like I plancrack some of the eggs and drop them in the pan to frybutter the toast as the buzzer warns the clothes are dryfold the clothes while I have breakfast to start my dayand then head out the door to work as bills I must payjust another day of working my poor fingers to the bonea typical one when you must face each of them alone.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    A short one for hump day, hope that you have an awesome day.The very first time that I looked upon her gorgeous faceI knew that I loved her so by the way my heart did race.There was no way to resist I knew and I did not even tryI knew that if the reason arose, for her I would gladly die.Envisioning our lives together my mind did wildly raceand I loved her more each and every time I saw her face.It is not a love that could fade or die, the truest in the worl'for how could any father not forever truly love his baby girl?

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    I am often asked why I send poems I have written. First and foremost it is because I like for my friends to know that I have thought of them and taken the time to send something when I can. Secondly, I found out that some of the picture comments contain viruses and can infect the computer that they are sent to,so this narrowed the options. I decided to send the poems because so many men seem to have forgotten that you need to speak to a lady's heart in soft wooing tones as well. That comments like"You're Hot" need to be expressed in a more gentlemanly fashion. It seems that society is reverting back to a more crass time and that we have forgotten even how to compliment each other, let alone seduce another; reducing"making love" to the animal act of"having sex". It is my hope that poetry will bring a smile to the receipiant and make other re-evaluate thier outlook and actions toward women. I feel that if men forget to pay basic respect and sensuality during a compliment, how long before they stop showing it in any form? I tend to write most of my poetry to try to get people to think about life or to learn to appreciate what they do have in life and hope that it will help people through hard times. Lastly, it is my hope that people will see that you are receiving a comment so often from one person and think about how often they do or do not do the same.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    Here is the poem I wrote for today, it is a happy poem, but in a somber way.I was there to hear the choir of angels singas you cast off the promises of a single lifewatched as many a possibility took to wingas you made a solemn vow to be my loving wife.I am so aware of all that you could have been,of how great must have been your true destiny,of the places you could have gone and seen,and that you gave it all up just to be with me.All of this you gladly did to be my loving brideand all that I can say are these words so true"Forever I want you to remain here by my sidefor I shall always be so much in love with you."So let us face the uncertain future joined as oneand know that we shall always have each otherto rely on even when our lives are at last doneand that I will love you and never want another.

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    Here is the poem of the day, I wrote it for those who love but are afraid to admit it.Why is it that you feel you have to lie to me?The truth is plain enough for the world to see,it is easy to see in your eyes and in you smile,and yes,I have known the truth for quite a while.So why is it that you will not just admit it is true,for I know that you love me as much as I love you.Is it because you do not think that this can last,or the result of some player you knew in the past?Did one that you loved run away when he first heardyou in a moment of truth or passion say that word,and now you fear that I will react in the same way?The truth is it's the one word that will make me stay.I wish you could see that you have nothing to fear,that I will always love you and want to be right hereregardless of rather or not you admit it the truth to me,as long as in your actions and in your eyes it I can see.What a wonderful thing to hear it and know it's true,when you trust me enough to finally say"I love you."

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Momentary MuseSexySmexy greet...
    A short poem about memories that I wrote for today.Here in my mind I can still feel your burning touch,a wonderful sensation that seems almost too much.My memory races and brings back your lilting voice,filling my head and taking away my freedom of choice.The aromatic perfume of your essence fills my sensessending small shivers through my body as it tenses.I can feel it all so very real as if you were still right here,even though you left and have been gone well over a year.Love's precious memories haunt my tortured heart still,as if born anew and I begin to think that they always will.

    14 years ago · Reply
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