65 Year Old
From Wellington, FL·
Joined on March 15, 2010
Born on June 25th
Hello, my name is Celia Hernandez. I was born in Chicago Ill., raised in Eagle Pass, Tx. I now reside and work in Jacksonville Fl. I have 4 beautiful daughters ages 24, 22, 21,20. I also have a granddaughter that is 2 yrs old. I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I also enjoy giving pleasure to those that want and need it, I'm a good listener.
65 Year Old
From Wellington, FL·
Joined on March 15, 2010
Born on June 25th
Use as little energy as possible, says natures rule,to get what you want or need; less you are a fool.One who waste energy doing anything will surely dieand their genetics will perish without a wimper or cry.That's part of why people stop trying as hard once matedor revert to traits they know the other has always hated.Feeling that once they are theirs it will somehow take less,that is how so many relationships end up in such a mess.It's natural that men will tend act in this same way as well,it is not some great guarded secret that to you I do now tell.If women don't insist on being treated like they so deserveand settle for one that will mistreat or is some kind of pervmen will learn that they get what they want without trying,women will find they are mated with their dreams dying.So make your man show attention and always treat you right,even if he resist or tries to put up some lame sort of fight;but always remember in this life that you are going throughthat like you a truly good man is indeed a true treasure too.