40 Year Old
From San Antonio, TX·
Joined on March 14, 2010
Born on January 10th
Ahh heres the infamous 'About Me' section where you're forced to detail everything you would want a stranger to know about you without sounding unintelligent, pretentious, or lame. Often comprised of lists detailing your loves and hates and quotes from little known works to find out who else recognizes it and is as cool as you.
Just hit me up.
40 Year Old
From San Antonio, TX·
Joined on March 14, 2010
Born on January 10th
+Workout +Hanging out with the peeps +Music +Cook (I can make something delicious out of anything you give me) +Exploring and trying new things. +Photography +Driving
A couple guilty pleasures... 1. The pootie tang 2. The Sims 3. Keebler Animal Cookies with the pink icing 4. Driving without a destination 5. Diet Coke 6. Jalapeno Poppers 7. Cuddling ;-)
There's more things than I am willing to type into this box about my interests.
Mankinds Grestest Acheviment. Something the world would be lost without.
Indefinable by words alone. It is not only something you hear but what you feel. It is something your soul can reach out and touch. It originates from all over the world since time began. Complex or simple, fast or slow, loud or soft. It is what you feel, or it could be your method of escape or it could just keep you alive.
silence is silver, but music is gold.
Latest Status
el3ment Work hard, play hard. Let's start this week on a good foot.
Welcome to FubarJust stopping by to invite you to check out the most Rockin Lounge aroundJUKEBOX RIDERSPlaying Classic Rock Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Great Tunes Great Staff and Great Times Come see for yourself http://www.fubar.com/lounge/jukeboxriders
WELCOME TO FUBARLOUDROCKLOUNGEfor the best music & live dj'sfor the best times & best peopleyou have to come to the BEST LOUNGEcome check us all outjust copy and paste link in browserhttp://fubar.com/lounge/loudLOUDROCKLOUNGE{NSFW}we get every new member that joins our familySH*TFACED LOUDROCKSTYALNOW HIRING AND TRAINING DJ'S
Hey Hun, welcome to Fubar. How are you? Stopped by your page to rate you a 10. If you get a moment and can return the favor, I'd greatly appreciate it.Also..If get a moment come on into our lounge.....Forbidden....for some friendly chatter and good tunes. Copy and paste the link below to go there. Hope to see you soon!XOXOXOX **Now Hiring**http://www.fubar.com/lounge/64791