32 Year Old
From Hialeah, FL·
Joined on March 8, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 4th
32 Year Old
From Hialeah, FL·
Joined on March 8, 2010
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 4th
Latest Status
ruby04 So when I put the new updated recent photos of myself, everyone will be like, "Is that her?". Posting recent photos later on, I hope you can comment them and tell me what you think of the new me :)
Welcome to FUBARCOME CHECK OUT THE BESTLOUD ROCK LOUNGEIF ITS TOO LOUDYOUR TOO OLDJUST COPY & PASTE LINKIN YOUR BROWSERhttp://fubar.com/lounge/loudloud rock lounge{NSFW}we get every new member thatjoins our family shtfacedDRAMAFREEhiring DJ'S aquire within lounge
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