41 Year Old
Joined on December 31, 2005
Born on June 20th
ok so this is me my friedns call me pip but my names is james (long story dont ask) im currently at college studieing performing arts ( acting,dance and singing plus load of back stage shit) ive been living in england for over 5 years now. i used to live in brookfield CT and whent to high school there where i became pip o and im real shit at talking about myself
41 Year Old
Joined on December 31, 2005
Born on June 20th
i love acting it my life i also sing and dance
um i also do mad stuff to get a laught out of some one and i mean mad it doesnt matter how nuts of dangeris it is ill do it if it gets a laught
my music taste is basically a bit of every thing the jube box has a bit of punk (bowling for soup) a bit of rap jay-z and metal (disturbed) there other stuff there i can remeber what else is on there i also love ska and swing
my fav movies are all the pythone films, tim burtons films the mane is brilliant, any comedy ill watch most any film once as i dont listen to fucking critics