WELCOME TO FUBARCOME CHECK OUT OUR FAMILYLOUD ROCK LOUNGE IF ITS TOO LOUDYOUR JUST TOO OLDGREAT MUSIC/GREAT PEOPLEGREAT TIMES/GREAT FUNJUST COPY&PASTE LINK IN BROWSERhttp://fubar.com/lounge/loudDRAMAFREE IS THE WAY TO BEIF YOU WERE HERE NOWYOU WOULD BE HOME {NSFW}LKING 4 lounge staffWE GET YOU SH*TFACEDIF YOU JOIN OUR FAMILYcome spend the night with us on 2/27/10 2/27/10 8pm est fight night in the lounge see the greeters eat each others challanges it should be funfree bling giveaways and a cheery bomb drawingmust be present to win hope to see you then