~ Welcome to Fubar ~ If you need any help getting started, please check out the site's handbook with the most commonly asked questions with posted answers. Post this link into your browser to find the Fubar Bible Handbook: http://www.fubar.com/bible.php#FUBAR.com uses NSFW standards for ALL public display areas. Please do not place NSFW items in your Main Icon, Comments, Stash, Public profile Page or Background, MUMMS, Blogs, Screen Names, or use extreme profanity. NSFW stands for"NOT SAFE FOR WORK" viewing.FUBAR BOUNCERS are in Orange Colored name tags to assist you and can either be found in the Support Lounge, or post this link to find the Help Page for a list of Bouncers: http://www.fubar.com/help.php page.Still confused and need additional help? Come to the Support Lounge by posting this link into your browser: http://www.fubar.com/lounge/50643.
Hey Gorgeous, welcome to Fubar. How are you? Stopped by your page to rate you a 10. If you get a moment and can return the favor, I'd greatly appreciate it.Also..If get a moment come on into our lounge.....Forbidden....for some friendly chatter and good tunes. Copy and paste the link below to go there. Hope to see you soon!XOXOXOX **Now Hiring**http://www.fubar.com/lounge/64791
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