41 Year Old
From Panama City, FL·
Joined on February 19, 2010
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on August 19th
I'm 26, 5 foot, 115 lbs, a mother to a beautiful 7yr old and engaged to one of the best men on the face of this planet.. I'm originally from SE Missouri, and So. ILL; now living in PC,Florida.. I've had an extremely hard life growing up, but I try to put the past behind me, especially now, since I have finally found the love of my life... I'm always down with making new friends and trying new things
41 Year Old
From Panama City, FL·
Joined on February 19, 2010
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on August 19th
Latest Status
Sweet Angel Bored, while my man is offshore working
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