ing my heart out at the bar, play the harmonica, play with an animal, visit a zoo, research any subject, read, listening to music, drive, shop, people watch, do paranormal/supernatural investigations, wander a new place
My path is called Rhinoceros Zen Paganism. Rhinoceros Zen Paganism is an eclectic blend of Druidism, Witchcraft, Buddhism and Taoism. I do not believe in the concepts of white, grey or black magic. I believe that as energy can not be destroyed but only converted, energy also has no "color". It simply depends on what your intention and/or motive is. My ethics/morals are guided by the Eightfold Noble Path of Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths, the Shaolin Moral Code, the ten Obligations of Shaolin and The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth. Rhinoceros Zen Paganism has also been influenced by the Left Hand Path.
The people who help other people because it's the right thing to do