Love, like a river, will cut a new path whenever it meets an obstacle.
Cute Graphics Love is like magic and it always will be.For love still remains life's sweet mystery!!Love works in ways that are wondrous and strange.And there's nothing in life that love cannot change!!Love can transform the most common place, Into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace.Love is unselfish, Understanding and kind,For it sees with its heart and not with its mind!!Love is the answer that everyone seeks...Love is the language, that every heart speaks.Love can't be bought, it is priceless and free,Love, like pure magic, is life's sweet mystery!
Cute Graphics Always remember the start time you knew you loved them!
* HEY - WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THIS EARLIER!!! I should have figured it out sooner. It's the shampoo I use in the shower. When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body. Printed very clearly on the shampoo label it reads,"FOR EXTRA VOLUME AND BODY." I have gotten rid of the shampoo and I am going to start using Dawn Dish detergent. Its label reads,"DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE." Problem solved! Geeze! It sure pays to read the label! .
A farmer and his brand new bride were riding home from the chapel in a wagon pulled by a team of horses, when the older horse stumbled.The farmer said,"That's once."A little further along, the poor old horsestumbled again. The farmer said,"That's twice."After a little, while the poor old horse stumbled again. The farmer didn't say anything, but reached under the seat, pulled out a shotgun and shot the horse.His brand new bride raised all kind of heck with him, telling him,"That was an awful thing to do."The farmer said,"That's once." CHERRYDESIRES.COM
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